Your donations will go towards supporting the community of Egbeda in Ibadan, Nigeria by:
- Improving the conditions and create livelihood to 210 families, especially women and youth, from 5 Villages: Ogunniya, Isale Apata, Apoku, Gidigidi, and ABA Baale village.
- Impacting the regeneration of 1,200 hectares of land of the region.
- Delivering a vocational programs with a one-on-one mentorship workshop approach in the territories while grouping local farmers in cooperatives.
- Developing an online tailored educational platform for local farmers in the territories where our demo farms are located.
About Us
Co-creating a just agricultural and food system from the ground up by putting the farmers at the centre
We implement our mission by developing on-the-ground educational projects focused on regenerative agriculture, economics and spirituality – working with farmers with poor food security and income for regenerative livelihoods for them, their families and communities, as well as by actively supporting global processes – namely the UNFCCC COP, UN Food Systems Summit and the UN Committee for Food Security – in order to bring the voices of farmers into those.
Register your interest to know more about the Farm of Francesco and what you can do to improve the current agriculture and food systems

The system is broken: Our call to action
Our current agriculture and food system is broken, from now, we have only 40 harvest left due to soil erosion caused by conventional agricultural practices and every year, we lose 12 million hectares due to desertification. This is rooted in non sustainable agriculture practices such as conventional arable production, till-farming, intensive monoculture and use of chemicals. Currently, most of the farmers in developing countries – roughly the 80% – are smallholders, most of them women, who own less than 2 hectares of land.
Despite having a key role in achieving global food security and nutrition, they are a vulnerable group who do not have the resources and knowledge to switch to more profitable and sustainable practices such as regenerative agriculture. Because of this, many farmers cant transition their productions or build a system that could lead them to regeneration, increase of economical results and productivity. Our current system has a critical systemic crisis, hence, we are called to co-build and support systemic solutions.

Pope Francis' call and the story of our common answer
Seeing that context and experiencing that current broken economy and system, in 2019, Pope Francis invited Youth from all over the world to act and invited entrepreneurs, changemakers and researchers to co-design and give new life and soul to the economy. 3000 youth responded and joined The Economy of Francesco, divided in 12 working groups, each of them combining two words that are not usually seen together in the current economy.
Within the “Agriculture & Justice” Working Group – 9 young entrepreneurs, changemakers and farmers representing 8 different countries – started exchanging experiences and sharing the main pains present in agriculture get closer to the main injustices we experience every day in agriculture and started dreaming in creating a prophetic and specific solution to transform the system toward Integral Ecology.
What started as a dream of 9 strangers getting in a Video Call, evolved into passionate discussions, conversations, brainstorming, voting, surveying, and continuous work. A story that evolved in friendship and in very specific acting.
Agenda Training "Verso la transizione Agricola: partendo dall’agricoltura conservativa" - Padova 16 ottobre 2024
Data: Mercoledì 16 ottobre 2024 – Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione
Luogo: Azienda Agraria Sperimentale “L. Toniolo” Viale dell’Università 4, 35020 Legnaro PD, Italia
Benvenuto e registrazione
- 08:30-09:00: Registrazione dei partecipanti
Accoglienza ufficiale
- 09:00-09:30: Benvenuto ufficiale
- Università di Padova
- EIT Food
- Consorzio European Carbon Farmers & Farm of Francesco
- Agenda di condivisione per oggi
Preparazione del terreno
- 09:30-10:30: Inizio del programma: Definizione dello scenario, aspettative, accordo sulla coorte e presentazione dei partecipanti.
- 10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:00: Concetto e studi di agricoltura conservativa
- Maria Florencia Ribero, dottoranda presso l’Università di Padova (Focus particolare sull’adozione dell’agricoltura conservativa nel frumento invernale (triticum aestivum l.) con l’obiettivo di risparmiare acqua, proteggere l’ambiente, migliorare la salute del suolo e ridurre le emissioni di CO2)
- Antonio Berti, Professore Ordinario, Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente, Università di Padova.
- 12:00-13:00: Agricoltura conservativa: Un caso di studio di attuazione
- Moderatore: Giacomo Giordano
- Anna Trettenero, Società Agricola Cricoli società semplice, socio fondatore e amministratore. Conduzione in affitto di circa 100 Ha SAU in agricoltura conservativa rigenerativa, anche con contratti di filiera per la produzione di isolati proteici HiWeiss. Alfalfa Energia srl Società Agricola, socio fondatore e amministratore.
- Martina Dal Grande, viticoltrice di Conegliano, presidente di Confagricoltura Giovani (ANGA) di Treviso.
- Elia Negretto, produttore del basso vicentino, eclettico e innovatore con diversi progetti in corso, soprattutto nell’irrigazione ma anche sensori e droni, melograno, grano, soia e mais da seme, pomodoro, erba medica sono le sue colture), presidente dei Giovani di Confagricoltura Vicenza.
- 13:00-14:30: Pranzo
La cura
- 14:30-16:00: Visita aziendale al campo dell’Università di Padova: Serra, campi sperimentali con semina di mais e campo sperimentale a lunga rotazione.
- 16:00-17:00: Piani di transizione aziendale
- Moderatore: Antonio Berti
- Anna Trettenero, Società Agricola Cricoli società semplice, socio fondatore e amministratore. Gestione ni affitto di circa 100 Ha SAU ni agricoltura conservativa rigenerativa, anche con contratti di filiera per la produzione di isolati proteici HiWeiss. Alfalfa Energia srl Società Agricola, socio fondatore e amministratore.
- Lorenzo Furlan, Veneto Agricoltura.
- 17:00-17:30: Riassunto della giornata: le presentazioni, la visita in azienda e gli scambi individuali.
- 17:30-18:00: Rendere i piani di transizione della vostra azienda agricola obiettivi SMART – laboratorio guidato e sessione di apprendimento.
Cerimonia di chiusura
- 18:00-18:30: Sessione di condivisione e cerimonia di premiazione.
- Dalle 18:30 in poi: partenza dei partecipanti.
Registrazione Training "Verso la transizione Agricola: partendo dall’agricoltura conservativa" - Padova 16 ottobre 2024
Our Journey
During our participation towards COP28 we joined the Food Systems Pavilion letter to negotiators which was led by WWF, urging parties to integrate a holistic approach to food systems within the Sharm- el Sheikh Joint Work on Implementation of Climate Action on Agriculture and Food Security (SSJW); and Include food systemes actions into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). We conducted three Webinars as part of YSI Webinar Series: “Towards COP28”, “From the Action Zone” and “From reflection to action”.
Thanks to Diego and Roberta from the Economy of Francesco, we met Simon from Amboseli, Kenya and started to mentor and dream of a future farmer training in Kenya!
Economy of Francesco - Assisi 2023
The Farm of Francesco was present at the 25th Hour Economy of Francesco Event in October. We read part of our book and were interviewed to share about the Farmer Training in Ibadan, Nigeria, as part of the EoF Live program!
We represented the Farm of Francesco and organized a workshop at the World Youth Day in the Catholic University of Lisbon, in August 2023.
Laudato Si Summit - July 2023
Participation in the Laudato Si Summit in July 2023.
We participated in a 9 months “Prague Process” with three meetings in Prague, Dublin and Rome to discuss with key stakeholders on world food security.
Launch of educational platform - 2023
The Recognition from Francis of Assisi and Carlo Acutis Award 2022 also allowed us to develop an educational platform with content on the three pillars to make the content created available for farmers in Nigeria and globally.
Thanks to the Recognition we received from the Francis of Assisi and Carlo Acutis Award 2022 Edition, we were able to implement a three main stages: Listening and getting in contact with the specific Community of Farmers in Ibadan, Nigeria; Discerning and Identifying the main challenges farmers are facing and designed of a educational training program for them in three pillars - Social Economy, Regenerative Agriculture and Spirituality -; and organizing the first training in collaboration with a local partner - Pax Herbals - from 20th to 25th March at Benedictine Monastery, Ewu-Esan, Edu State, Nigeria.
Farm of Francesco Book - March 2023
Webinar co-organized with Oxford University and the Laudato Si Research Institute. -
Our Co-founder Maria Virginia was selected to join the first cohort in the faith for our planet fellowship at Duke University to share about Farm of Francesco and agriculture with other faith leaders around the world.
Economy of Francesco - Assisi 2022
The September 2022 event represents the first in-person meeting for young people called by Pope Francis to give a soul to the economy. The meeting will see young economic scholars, entrepreneurs, and changemakers, from more than 100 countries around the world, who have a desire to contribute to a new season of economic thought and practice.
Carlo Acutis Award 2022
The international award aims to encourage fraternal economic projects from below, beginning with the difficult conditions faced by our suffering and least brothers and sisters.
Webinar #2 2022
In our second webinar "What would a Laudato Si farm look like? " we have a conversation with Austen Ivereigh, author of the groundbreaking "Let Us Dream" book of Pope Francis.
Webinar #1 2022
In our first webinar "Co-Creating Our Future Together Through Regeneration" we feature Eduard Müller from Costa Rica Regenerativa.
Interview for a new economy 2022
World Pulses Day 2022
This celebration presents an opportunity to raise awareness about pulses and the fundamental role they play in the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment.
Justice and Ecology Congress 2022
Loyola 2022 Justice and Ecology Congress, Spain.
United World project 2021
Crowdfunding - October 2021
Launched a crowdfunding campaign to support the development of our project in Nigeria.
Economy of Francesco Online Event 2021
Initially planned to take place in-person, the 2021 Economy of Francesco event had to move online again, due to Covid19.
UN Food Systems 2021
Groundswell 2021
In our Groundswell (https://groundswellag.com/) presentation, we present "What can Pope Francis tell you about agriculture and justice?"
Agriculture & Justice #2
Representing countries around the world, we decided to act now to mitigate the injustices in agriculture by co-creating solutions towards sustainable food systems and soil regeneration.
Agriculture & Justice #1
Rooted in the Agriculture & Justice Startup Stream’s, the Farm of Francesco is a fire that kindles other fire. On a mission to restore our common home and our common farm, beginning with the land, our soil, our planet, in the spirit of integral ecology.
Demo Farms Nigeria & Brazil - 2021
We launched two demo farms, one in Nigeria and one in Brazil. A learning process fundamental to bring us where we are today.
We spoke to farmers, identified pressing problems and formalised our idea and solution. A diverse and multidisciplinary team was created.
Economy of Francesco - 2020
Everything started in spring 2020 while we were preparing for the Economy of Francesco event, which then moved online due to Covid19.

Become part of The Farm of Francesco. Support us and donate today by adopting one square meter of land.
You will receive a picture with your name and the location of your adopted land.
Join us in the answer to Pope Francis' call to improve the global Economy
To keep transforming our current broken system, we need your support. This is an invitation to make it together! As we are 10 today we could be thousands tomorrow. There is a special way to contribute to this idea that is already running and changing lives.
You can adopt a square meter in which a lot of food is going to be grown, soil is going to be regenerated and lives are going to gain opportunities. That square meter has a value investment of $10 and will be located in developing countries starting from our current demo farms in Nigeria and Brazil.
Rita and Ariel, two of our group members, are immersed in rural areas in developing countries, and have already begun the journey! Rita is a farmer and agronomist, and is the current Manager of The Farm of Francesco demo farm in Ibadan, Nigeria, a place of 2500 sqm, where diverse trees and vegetables are being cultivated. Ariel, Farmer and PhD in Permaculture from Brazil is the Current Manager of The Farm of Francesco demo farm in Manaus, Brazil that has a total of 1000 sqm and where agroforestry is being developed.
Your sqm could be in these initial locations, your name would be part of the group of people that really think things can change for the better.

Regenerative Agriculture
Implementing cover crops practices, combining perennials and trees, and compost/mob grazing

Impact the Community
Creating hubs for education of the local communities, especially women and youth

Improve the Environment
Regenerative agriculture helps increase soil health, reduce carbon emission and mitigate climate change
Connect to us / Stay in the loop
Leave us your email and join our newsletter to receive monthly updates
Connect with us on social media and through our newsletter
Global Network of Demo Farms
We are developing a network of pilot farms rooted in
Regenerative Agricultural Practices and Vocational Education
We are a global and diverse team of farmers, entrepreneurs, researchers, engineers and activists representing Nigeria, Colombia, Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain, Mexico, China and Argentina

Our Commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

No Poverty

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Responsible Consumption and Production

Climate Action

Life on Land

Partnerships for the Goals
Our Demo Farms

Ibadan, Nigeria

Manaus, Brasil
Articles About Us
Contact Us
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